It was at this point that I noticed that the overheat button on the controls fascia was sitting out. I pushed on the button and sure enough it clicked as I reset it. As soon as I reset the overheat button the boiler came to life and fired up. I hung around at the boiler for a moment to ensure that the system was circulating and not likely to overheat immediately. The boiler was running fairly quietly so went to check around the rest of the system.
I told the customer that it may have been caused by a bit of air or if there was a power cut whilst the boiler was running. He replied by saying that he had been having unrelated issues just before he went on holiday. He had asked a friend of the family to replace the immersion heater which turned out to be faulty and kept tripping the electrics until it was replaced with another unit. The plumber had also broken a part on the heating system and ended up draining and refilling the system to replace it and the pump. Like I had already said the boiler overheating was either due to cutting out of the electrics or air in the system. After resetting the boiler the system is working as it should be again.
The works described in this blog
are a record of work undertaken and should not be taken as guaranteed to
solve your problem.
Work should only be carried out by
persons qualified and competent to do so.